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Grandma is housesitting at a snazzy house when she make a grim discovery! A high end grill that is sorely neglected! Okay, I will give the owner grace by saying Winter has recently ended and Spring has been chilly so grill-season hasn’t started……for some. But Summer is around the corner and by golly, I’m going to research and find out how to clean a gas grill!
Fortunately, I love to clean, and I love challenges. And the grill in the photos was beckoning me to clean it. So I did. And no, I did not run out and buy every clean-grill product and so just maybe I will give this baby one more clean job before just buying new grill grates! Anyway, here are some handy tips on how to clean your gas grill!

Step 1:
Step 1: Turn off the gas supply. Remove the grill’s flame tamers (guards above the burners) and grates, and scrub with soapy water and a wire brush. A steel wool pad or scrubby works well too.

Step 2:
If rust has accumulated on the grill grates, here are a few solutions that work. (a) Buy an oven-and-grill spray cleaner. Make sure to remove the grates from the grill then spray cleaner, one by one, on both sides, and place in an extra large trash bag. Wait 40 minutes.


Step 3:
With gloves on, scrub the grill grates with a wire brush or steel wool pad, and soapy water. Rinse grill parts several times with clean water and hand dry. Clean the grill’s flame tamers in the same way too.

Step 4:
If Step 2 and 3 were not powerful enough to remove a majority of the rust try a vinegar solution. Mix 2 parts white vinegar to 1 part water. Place all rusty grill grates in a large plastic bag and pour enough of the vinegar solution to cover, and soak overnight. The next day, scrub and rinse the same way as instructed in Step 3. with soapy water and rinse.

Step 5:
Brush portholes on burners with a stainless steel wire brush or clear individual holes with a toothpick or size appropriate wire. Use a hand vacuum or small hand broom to remove any debris from the inside of the grill. Wipe any last bits of debris with a wet paper towel or rag. Use a heavy degreaser to clean the outside of the grill.

Step 6:
Season your grill grates with grapeseed oil or other oil that is for high heat. Turn your grill on low to season and protect grates for future grilling.

Step 7:
Empty and clean the bottom drip pan. Add river sand (not salty beach sand) or a fat absorbent product designed for grill pans. If you choose not to add a fat absorbent product line to the drip pan, line with heavy duty aluminum foil to make clean up easy!

Step 7:
If the inside of your grill needs more attention than cleaning with a wet rag use the baking soda trick. Mix 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water to make a paste that is the consistency of glue. Pat the paste onto the bottom and inside walls, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Spray the paste with vinegar, and let the cleaning solution perform magic for 30 minutes. Wipe the grill with old rags that can be thrown away!
Step 8:
Check the gas hose for cracks and leaks. Brush soapy water on the hose and along the two connections (from gas to hose and from hose to grill). Turn the gas on, if there are bubbles you have a leak! Replace the hose or hoses and tighten all connections.
Step 9:
Fill up that liquid propane tank!

Step 10:
Last but not least, stock up on Western BBQ Smoking Chips! And check out their recipes for some delicious smoky EaTs!

Have a Fun and Flavorful Smokin’ Summer!

Now that your grill is squeaky clean check out my favorite summer grill recipes!
Cherry Salted Caramel Pecan Smoked Brownies
Smoked Chicken Thighs and Salsa Verde Corn Salad

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